News: Kirby Wii Still On The Way

Attention Kirby fans! The pink blob is still very much on the way to Nintendo's little white box...

First announced as a twilight Gamecube title all the way back in 2005, Kirby's next foray onto a home console has been a long time coming, leading some to speculate that the title may have been cancelled.

However, hope that the pink blob may still be on the way has been re-inflated, as a Japanese release listing for Nintendo's financial results briefing shows one Hoshi No Kirby, or Kirby of the Stars with a 'TBA' date.

The now-mysterious Kirby title has cropped up on Nintendo's Japanese release lists for years, with still other acknowledgement of the title's existence to come from company execs. One must wonder whether the title is still even reminiscent of the straight-up action side-scroller we saw in screenshots five years ago.

But even with no substantial info, it's still nice to know that Nintendo haven't given up on home-console Kirby fans just yet. We'll bring you more on this elusive title should there be any more developments...

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