News: Kirby's Epic Yarn Set To Humiliate Players

Posted 26 Oct 2010 at 12:19 by Stephen Thomson
Don't go trusting that little pink blob. His latest game is out to get you!
In the latest "Iwata asks" feature, some details emerged about the development and design of the game. To keep up with the games atmosphere, a number of traps and objects got cut due to the team opposing the idea of an action game taht would end should you get hit. Producer Etsunobu Ebisu stated:
"As a team, we were extremely opposed to the idea of an action game where the game wasn't over when an enemy got you. We debated that for quite a long time."
The game originally had the likes of thorns that ended up not sitting really well. So developers Feel-Good decided on just making a fun game. This in turn resulted in some changes to the game, such as when hitting an obstacle or an enemy Kirby would lose beads, which acts as a currency in the game that is later used to unlock bonus levels, making it act as a measure of success.
In doing so producer Nobuo Matsumiya went to say:
"When serious gamers play, they want to clear a level without any mistakes like running into enemies, so this game is made so you really feel regret when you run into enemies and a strong sense of achievement when you clear a level without any mistakes."
Iwata then bluntly put it, "As a gamer, it's humiliating to bump into an enemy."