News: Konami On Revolution

Konami pledges flagship titles for all next-generation systems, including the Revolution...

In recent comments made to Japan's Weekly Toyo Keizai publication, Konami executives affirmed their multiplatform focus towards their next-generation game development. In particular, one or two flagship titles were promised for all three of the major players (Metal Gear Solid 4 for the PS3 was given as a specific example.) Additionally, they stated that Konami development on those titles would focus on playing to the greatest strengths of the host system...what that would entail in terms of graphics and gameplay is of course still up in the air.

Obviously Konami feels strongly that there will be room for all three competitors in the marketplace, noting that games not tailored specifically for certain hardware would see release across all platforms wherever possible (this will likely include all the wonderful licensed stuff), allowing Konami to reach the greatest number of customers. Certainly however, the real interesting question involves which "flagship titles" gamers can expect to see on the existing property such as Castlevania? Or perhaps the Revolution will truly be so different that it will necessitate a wholly new property built from the ground up to engage its unique functions?

Either way it is nice to get a little affirmation that one of the largest third party game makers will not be ignoring Nintendo's latest. Stay tuned for any further details on upcoming titles.

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