News: Kube Exklusive Kombat Kontent!
Posted 28 Oct 2004 at 10:24 by Iun Hockley
Kombat Kreators Talk Up Kube-Only Features!
In a quote found on the MKOnline "Fight Night" special, the developers of Mortal Kombat: Deception have promised big things for everyones' favourite purple fun-box!
Here's the quote itself:
"The gamecube version will definitely include some new features...some that you may have already heard about and others that we've kept under wraps....
I'd venture to say that excl characters will definitely be a good possibility and you can also look forward to some new gameplay features...more on the latter later
Also safe to say that online will be missing, but we'll make up for it...that's a promise"
So, no online features -we've come to expect that by now, but the promise of an effort to make up for it... we're intrigued.
Also, the potential for exclusive characters content for the Cube version? We all know that Link was the best exclusive characted in Soul Calibur 2, so the potential addition of Princess Daisy to the Mortal Kombat line-up has us salivating with anticipation!(hint: lie)
It would, however, be interesting to see if it really IS an exclusive Nintendo character in the gam, the possibilities are endless, but with the tendancy towards family-oriented games, it would seem doubtful that Nintendo would farm out a franchise character to the fatalities and gore of the Mortal Kombat series. We'll keep you posted.