Kururin Squash

News: Kuru Kuru Kuruin Scans

Nintendo has recently announced a sequel to the GBA puzzle game which will release on the Gamecube. And Cube-Europe has some screenshots that have been scanned from the magazine; Famitsu.

In Kuru Kuru Kuruin for the Game Boy Advance you navigated a rotating stick through maze-like levels, Kuru Kuru Kuruin featured 4 modes of gameplay, and of course up to 4 players can compete together using the GBA Game Link Cable. It's known by some as the "simplest action game in the world". But little is known about the Gamecube sequel, it may be a direct copy like Zelda: Four Swords, or even full 3D like the new Advance Wars. Only time will tell. It will be released in Japan on the 14th October and will be called Kururin Squash. So far no Western release has been confirmed. Stay tuned to C-E for more on this title.

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