News: Layton Sequel Dated For Europe

Posted 15 Jul 2009 at 12:10 by Aaron Clegg
The puzzle-mastering Prof returns to European DS systems this September!
Follwing up on Professor Layton and the Curious Village's success - particularly in the UK - Nintendo or Europe have confirmed a release date for the sequel. Layton and Luke return to European shores in Pandora's Box on September 25th. The date also comes with a confirmed name change from the US' Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.
The game actually released in Japan at the end of 2007, and has to date clocked up close to a million copies. The third installment, The Last Time Travel, released in 2008 to similar commericial success, becoming the nation's fifteenth best-selling game of the year.
Pandora's Box releases in the US as The Diaboloical Box on August 24th.