News: Lego Batman Sequel Possible

Traveller's Tales have revealed that they'd love to work on a sequel to their latest 'block'-buster game, Lego Batman.

Traveller's Tales have become almost synonymous with Lego games in recent years, having made a name for themselves with the fantastic platforming/puzzle Lego games based on different IPs, including Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Their most recent effort, Lego Batman, is due out on the Wii and DS next Friday, and whilst the core gameplay doesn't appear to have changed drastically, Lego Batman remains as fun as ever.

The December issue of NGamer Magazine features an interview with Lego Batman's lead designer, Arthur Parsons, in which the prospect of a sequel to Lego Batman is raised...

NGamer: Do you see the wider DC universe making it into Lego form? The Justice League could be good.

Arthur Parsons: Whether any more of the DC universe makes the transition into Lego depends largely on the success of Lego Batman, and on whether Traveller's Tales, Warner Bros. and Lego want to make any other characters into Lego games. I'd love to make a sequel to Lego Batman because it was immense fun to work on.

The rest of the interview can be found in Issue #29 of NGamer, which should be hitting store shelves very soon. What say you, readers? Would you like to see a sequel to Lego Batman, or would you prefer Traveller's Tales devote their time to a brand new Lego game?

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