News: Less Capcom For GameCube?

It is being said that Capcom is going to cut down its support for the Nintendo GameCube.

According to the Nikkei Business Daily reported that plans to shift more of its resources towards PlayStation 2 and Xbox, as a consequence of the GC's disappointing hardware sales in Japan and abroad. The report also mentioned Capcom will release Biohazard 4 (Resident Evil 4) also on other consoles than the Nintendo GameCube. Capcom however replied to this article through its website with the following statement:

"As previously announced in September 13, 2001, as of present time there are no plans to port biohazard (GC) and Biohzard 0 (GC) to other systems. Also, Biohazard 4, which is currently in production, will be released for the GameCube as previously planned. There are no changes regarding our fundamental direction."

They don't confirm the story but then again also don't deny it. The company can still go any direction they would like to. It probably will depend on the sales of Resident Evil Zero.

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