News: Let's TAP Heading Out Of Japan

Posted 10 Jan 2009 at 14:21 by guest
Good news, Prope's future tapping gaming that even penguins can play isn't going to be Japan exclusive!
Let's TAP caught the attention of the community not only for being Yuji Naka's studio Prope first game, but also because of all the quirkiness that surrounds it. Asides from colorful and simple graphics and incredibly addictive theme song, the game comes with a cardboard box, where you'll put your Wii remote facing down and control by tapping on it.
The Australian Classification Board has rated Let's TAP General, so it's a safe bet that SEGA will bring it to the rest of the world too although there are no dates yet.

Australian Classification Board rating sheet for Let's TAP
Let's TAP features 5 modes including Tap Runner, a 2D race between 4 contestants and a rhythm mode not unlike Donkey Konga. The game is solely controlled by tapping, no nunchuck is required.

Tap Runner. Go stick man, go!
We'll keep you updated on any further news, meanwhile look forward to our Japanese import review. Let's TAP, Let's TAP! Future tapping game!