News: Level-5 Announces New Event

Posted 17 Aug 2011 at 22:34 by Ashley Jones
Level-5's phenomenal growth continues with a big new event in Tokyo.
It is hard to believe Level-5's first title was released only 11 years ago as the studio has gone from strength to strength to become one of the biggest growing developers today. Best known in the West for the Professor Layton series the company has grown so big it is to host its own event!
While Level-5 has hosted the "Level-5 Vision" event for a number of years this year they are hosting a brand new, and much bigger, event called "Level-5 World". According to Andriasang this event will take place on October 15th and 16th at Tokyo Big Site and will be free to attend for both the press and public.
CEO Akihiro Hino has previously hinted that they have 20 surprises coming up and it seems like this would be the time to unveil them. Considering Level-5 recently opened an American office it is unknown if details about localisation projects will be announced during this event.
While the West are still waiting on Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracles for the 3DS, as well as the Studio Ghibli collaboration Ni No Kuni and others, we do know that Level-5 is working on another 3DS game and a second film based on Professor Layton as well as a Wii and 3DS Inazuma Eleven title. In addition to this the company is working on Girl's RPG Cinderelife, a 'hostess sim', and two titles that we currently know very little about: Fantasy Life and Time Travelers (sic). Of course the upcoming joint project Professor Layton Vs Ace Attorney will undoubtedly be something fans will want to hear more about as well.
We'll keep you updated about any and all Level-5 news but you can look forward to our review of Inazuma Eleven, which will finally be released in the UK next week, soon. Let us know which Level-5 games you'd like to see in the comments section below.