News: Level-5 Has 20 Surprises Coming Up

Posted 20 Mar 2011 at 14:20 by Ashley Jones
Level-5, the developer behind Professor Layton, has promised twenty big surprises are coming up.
Level-5 are currently preparing their annual press event known as Level-5 Vision. The event, which saw the unveiling of Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney last year, will feature 20 new titles according to CEO Akihiro Hino.
Nintendo World Report state that the announcements will be even bigger than last year's unveiling of Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney and will "reach out from the game industry," as their recently released Ni No Kuni did due to their partnership with Studio Ghibli.
Due to the nature of possible mistranslations and the tendency for companies to overhype events there is a chance that these twenty announcements won't all be new games. There is a good chance some of these will be confirmations of English localisations or new details about already announced games. However, one thing is certain: Level-5 Vision will be an event to watch out for later in the year.