News: Level-5 Launches American Presence

Posted 25 Jul 2011 at 23:32 by Ashley Jones
A brand new website and an introductory video launches Level-5's presence in America.
Earlier in the year Level-5, best known for the Professor Layton series, announced that they would open an office in Santa Monica in America. The aim of the American branch was to develop titles for the Western market, although in an introductory video president Akihiro Hino states that they will also bring Japanese content to the West too.
While Professor Layton is consistently released in America and Europe, albeit after some time, many of their other titles never get released in the West. Nintendo recently localised Inazuma Eleven in all of Europe except the UK and the Studio Ghibli/Level-5 title Ni No Kuni is expected to be released but no release details have been announced.
Level-5's new American website provides more information about the company and its products. You can also follow them on Twitter and Facebook if you so chose. Mr. Hino's introductory video, in which he explains why they have opened an American office, can be watched below.