News: Level 5 Partner With Studio Ghibli!

Posted 24 Sep 2008 at 13:44 by Tom Phillips
The developers of Professor Layton are partnering with the animators of Spirited Away to bring the a brand new adventure to the DS!
In what could become one of the best combinations since the Earl of Sandwich got a bit peckish in the 18th Century, the acclaimed developers of the Professor Layton series of adventure titles for the DS have announced a partnership with Academy Award winning anime outfit Studio Ghibli (think Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Monoke, etc. etc.)
The two will be working on Ninokuni: The Another World, an adventure game about a boy who carries a magical book capable of warding off evil spirits and which contains secret elixir recipes and spells.
Uniquely, the game's release will also include a "Magic Master" book, alike to the book in the game, which will be full of related information and other game-related material.
"Geeks and otakus", get pre-ordering!