News: Level-5 Reveals New Title; Headed For 3DS?

Posted 16 Apr 2010 at 12:29 by Aaron Clegg
Japanese developer Level-5 teases its next title - Time Travelers - but remains cryptic on which platform it's heading for...
As creators of such critically-acclaimed Nintendo-exclusives as Professor Layton and Dragon Quest IX, when Level-5 have something to announce, we're there like a shot. So it's natural that we dare tingle with excitement over the company's next major project.
Being billed by the studio as a high profile title, Time Travelers has been teased with a criminal lack of solid info, but enough to get our interests piqued. As the name suggests, the game will have a time-travelling theme. That's pretty much all we know about the content of the game itself, other than this rather tantalizing piece of concept art.

Time Travelers is being produced by Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino and directed by Jiro Ishii, who worked the Japan-only, Famistu-perfect-scoring 428: Fūsa Sareta Shibuya de.
But if the platform has not yet been announced, why should we hype ourselves up yet? Well what is certainly the most intriguing aspect of the announcement is news that Time Travelers is in development for a platform that "does not yet exist in this world". Knowing Level-5's track record, we don't think it's too bold to say there is a fairly strong chance that the game is being planned for Nintendo's newly-announced 3DS console.
But what do you think? Could we be seeing the very first publicly-teased 3DS project?