News: Link To Remain Silent

Posted 14 Aug 2010 at 12:31 by Stephen Thomson
Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma voices his opinion on whether Link should remain mute or not...
Talking to this months Nintendo Power magazine, The Legend of Zelda producer mentions whether he thinks the speechless character of the series should remain the way he is, or should finally have a voice.
There has been a few debates up among Zelda fans on whether Link should finally talk after remaining mute throughout the entire Zelda series. Whether it be to advance the series or develop the character some more. But when talking about the subject to Nintendo Power, Aonuma stated, "Personally, I don't want to have Link speak in the game. We haven't had him talk at all up to this point. It's part of the series history. It would just, to me, break the image of Link to have him speak."
Aonuma also talked a bit about whether other characters within the title should have voices and to keep Link mute, but even this he feels wouldn't work out for him as he feels, "...if Link never talks and everybody else in the game is chatting and whatnot I also think that's sort of an off mixture, so it's not something that, to be honest, I've really thought I want to be superactive about..."
No doubt this will settle any qualms or niggling thoughts of doubt players may have. Did you think Nintendo would ever cave in to give Link a voice? Let us know below.