News: Load Runner Details

Some tasty details regarding Hudson's next generation update of Load Runner await you inside.

Hudson's new philosophy of remaking old SNES titles for the GameCube has led the company to release a collection of 8-bit titles in Japan on July 10th, one of which is Load Runner. The action-puzzle title is being digitally remastered with the game's visuals being given a face-lift. The title's gameplay is very simplistic; the action takes place on a small stage, where the player must pick up gold and fruit without being caught by a robot enemy. Another little gameplay feature is the inclusion of ladders and the ability to move and take away blocks, making it harder for your enemy to reach it's goal.

The title will contain 3 modes, Normal, which contains 60 levels of puzzle action, Edit, where the player can create their own stages, and Gift Box, a nest of nostalgic goodies for you to unlock. The collection goes by the name of Hudson Collection Volume 1 and will retail for approximately 2,935 Yen, about 21 euros.

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