News: LostWinds: Winter Of The Melodias Confirmed

Posted 29 Aug 2009 at 07:44 by Nathan Whincup
The sequel to the breathtaking WiiWare launch title LostWinds has been named, and is featured in the latest issue of Edge Magazine.
LostWinds was one of the freshest titles to hit the Wii last year, and was met with universal acclaim when it launched on the WiiWare service in May. The title became the most popular, best-selling WiiWare title in Europe and spurred developers Frontier on to begin work on a sequel.
The latest issue of UK gaming magazine Edge features a lengthy preview on the newly announced sequel, entitled LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias.
The article reveals that this sequel has a brand new game mechanic which allows the returning hero, Toku, to switch the seasons of the world between summer and winter, using it to his advantage in various puzzles. Toku now also has the power to swim, and can create powerful cyclones which can drill through rocks and scoop up water.

Any way the wind blows...
Other features include a new in-game map and hint system. Frontier went on to say that whilst they were pleased with the original game, they still have a ton of new ideas to put to use in Winter of the Melodias.
The wintry theme of this sequel should make this perfect for a big Christmas release on WiiWare; it's probably safe to assume that we'll be seeing this before the year is out. In the meantime, if you haven't already played LostWinds... why not?
Thanks very much to Adam "Flameboy" Ducker for the lowdown!