News: Luigi's Mansion 2 Doesn't Bring Multiplayer

Posted 30 Nov 2011 at 17:25 by Aaron Clegg
Luigi's back to track down more ghosts. This time you can bring a friend!
In a rare allusion to one of their 2012 games, Nintendo have confirmed that Luigi's Mansion 2 will support multiplayer for two people.
Well, we say allusion. The information comes merely from a sneaky update to the game's official website. A new press release was also put out for the game, though it doesn't tell us much more than we already knew about the sequel.
Join Luigi, the lean, green ghost-catching machine in an eerie new 3D adventure!Luigi is back on a mission to remove a bunch of stubborn ghosts from some super-spooky mansions in Luigi's Mansion 2 for Nintendo 3DS. Armed with his trusty "Poltergust" ghost-grabbing vacuum cleaner, Mario's brother takes centre stage to capture those pesky phantoms. Sure, Luigi's the nervous type who'd rather be as far from these ghosts as he can get, but a reluctant hero can still save the day!
This hair-raising title is the first sequel to the 2002 Nintendo GameCube launch title, Luigi's Mansion, and brings back all the thrills of the original with bags of new fun features too. The stereoscopic 3D visuals bring the murky mansions, ghastly ghosts and spooky surroundings to life, so you can experience all the haunting chills and supernatural fun the game has to offer.
This time around the ghosts are craftier than ever... Just shining a light on them won't phase these phantoms; instead you'll need to shock them with a strobe of light before you can begin to vacuum them up. Incorporating more puzzles than its GameCube predecessor, Luigi's Mansion 2 will put your grey matter to the test. An array of different ghosts haunt the various mansions, so you'd best get geared-up to help poor scaredy-cat Luigi figure out how to defeat each one!
The old mansions hide secrets aplenty, but that's just an invitation to exploration for a man armed with a very special vacuum cleaner! On top of hoovering up piles of leaves to reveal hidden hoards or sucking up stacks of cash, the Poltergust can gobble wallpaper and more to reveal secrets, unearth new areas and unveil treasure chests...
- Join Luigi on a ghost-grabbing adventure in this spooky sequel to a GameCube classic
- Stereoscopic 3D adds greater depth and atmosphere to the crumbling mansion surroundings
- Use the Poltergust to uncover secrets, treasure, even new areas!
- Figure out how to deal with a variety of ghastly ghosts and fiendish phantoms!

Luigi's Mansion 2 is on-track for a 3DS release early next year. Be sure to check out how the game's coming along with the latest screenshots above.
Update: Nintendo has now altered the game's official page back to stating just single player support. It is understood that the game will not have a multiplayer mode, and the previous allusion to two players was a mistake on Nintendo's part. Whoops!