News: Machinarium Heading To WiiWare!

Posted 10 Sep 2010 at 13:29 by Aaron Clegg
X-Gen Studios announce two new WiiWare games, one being the cult indie favourite Machinarium!
A good day for WiiWarers as X-Gen Studios - known to us as the chaps who developed the critically acclaimed Defend Your Castle - announce two more titles to keep a keen eye on.
Indie fans will no doubt be thrilled to hear that the cult graphic adventure title Machinarium will be getting a release on Nintendo's service. Xgen Studios is working alongside original developers Amanita Design to bring the multi award-winning puzzler to Wii owners. If you're unfamiliar with Machinarium, check out the game's gorgeous style below.
Also on the horizon is Super Motherload; a WiiWare sequel to Xgen's popular internet flash game Motherload, where players have to dig deep into Mars to collect rare ores and minerals. Super Motherload will focus on providing the experience with a multiplayer element, promising drop-in/out four-player co-op.
No word on when we can expect either Machinarium or Super Motherload, so look for these two gems next year.