News: Majesco Brings Nano Assault to 3DS

Posted 20 Apr 2011 at 09:12 by Aaron Clegg
The people who brought you Nanostray reveal a new sci-fi shmup for 3DS...
If your memory stretches far back enough (all the way to 2005!) to remember Nanostray on Nintendo DS, then you may be interested in the developer's next handheld affair. Shin'en has revealed Nano Assault for 3DS; something of a spiritual sequel to the futuristic shoot 'em up.
True to expectations, Nano Assault sees players blasting through 32 apocalyptic stages armed with all manners of shiny weaponry. The game will adjust its difficulty throughout depending on the player's skill level. Additional features include Mission Mode, where players race against the clock to achieve as much carnage as possible, and a bragging-rights leaderboard where you can upload high scores to compare with your friends, although it isn't clear yet whether these will be online leaderboards.
The 3DS' Streetpass feature will also be utilised to unlock extra content. Nintendo-Master have the first screenshots of the game here.
Majesco is set to release Nano Assault this autumn.