Major League Eating

News: Major League Eating Hits WiiWare

Eat your way to recognition and glory in Major League Eating - exclusive to WiiWare.

If anyone was expecting a game to be made out of Major League Eating, please raise your hand. Oh look, a tumbleweed. Sarcasm aside, this news is completely true (and I was equally as surprised to find out that this competitive gluttony is even a sport), Major League Eating has been announced as an exclusive WiiWare game.

In Major League Eating, the Wii Remote will be used to simulate eating quickly in a professional munching competition. Now that's what I call fast food. Since I'm still lost for words on how to describe this 'sport', I'll let Bill Swartz (the head of Mastiff, the development team) do the talking. "Watching Major League Eating is like watching poetry in motion. Professional gurgitators have the grace of ballerinas yet the brute strength, mental focus, and intestinal fortitude to push their bodies and minds as hard as athletes in any other extreme endurance sport. Victory is sweet and defeat can be well, really, really messy. It's an experience we're proud to help bring into the home."

Major League Eating features real-life culinary 'athletes' as playable characters. In addition to gorging your character of choice on never-ending streams of hot dogs, Mario Kart-esque attacks and weapons in the forms of bites, burps, jalape�o flames (etc.) can be used to deter your opponents to assure your belt-bursting victory.

Eating 'techniques' can also be used during battles with the help of the Wii Remote, and Burp-Offs and Hot Potato competitions are implemented into the traditional eating competitions in order to add a bit of variety to the gameplay.

Major League Eating includes a single-player, two-player mode, online play and online leaderboards. Sounds like a real feast of a game.

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