News: Many Platforms Of Mario 128?

Posted 28 May 2004 at 13:36 by Iun Hockley
Miyamoto-San doesn't know whether to release Mario 128 on the DS, N5 or Gamecube...
In a recent interview with gamespy, Shigeru Miyamoto, famed creator of Mario, Donkey Kong And Link hinted that he's not sure on which platform Mario 128 will end up on.
Describing the progress of the game's development so far as "moving along secretly like a submarine under the water" -so at least we know it does exist!
According to Miyamoto, there are currently a number of experiments going on with the various platforms to test for suitability of the ne software and mysterious revolutionary ideas that have been hinted at throughout the game's secretive devlopment cycle.
Miyamoto is currently awaiting the results of the tests to determine which platform will end up with what is fast becoming one of the gaming worlds' best-kept secrets.