News: Mario Bobblehead

No, it's not the sequel to Mario Sunshine. It is a new collectors item. Screens and info inside!

They stand seven inches tall and their heads are on springs. But for Nintendo fans, Bobbleheads are set to be must-have collectables for Christmas.

Created by ToySite, a division of Bensussen Deutsch & Associates, Bobbleheads are hand moulded and hand crafted and first emerged as popular collectables in the '60s and '70s.

The new range of Officially Licenced Nintendo Collectable Bobbleheads include Mario, Luigi, Yoshi and Bowser.

The Bobblehead production process can take up to six months to complete with sketches, sculpting, revisions and manufacturing, but the finished products are delighful.

Speaking about the Bobbleheads distribution arrangement, Caroline Denham, Marketing Manager for Bigben Interactive Accessories Division, said "We are very pleased to have landed the Bobbleheads deal.

"Even here in the office everyone wants one and our only concern is whether we will be able to satisfy the hoards of journos who will be demanding freebees. They are that cool."

Officially Licenced Nintendo Collectable Bobbleheads are set to launch early October, in time for the launch of Mario Sunshine, and will have a retail price of �9.99.

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