News: Mario Galaxy 2 Code-Name Revealed

Posted 11 May 2010 at 10:04 by Tom Phillips
How did Nintendo refer to Mario Galaxy 2 during production? Click inside to find out...
Nintendo is a big fan of code-names. The GameCube was originally the Dolphin. The Wii was the Revolution. The 3DS will be... well, we don't know yet. During development, Super Mario Galaxy 2 was called something else too.
Super Mario Galaxy 1.5.
This will do nothing for those out there who believe the game will simply be nothing more than an extended Galaxy, although from playing the game and the announced new Drill item, Rock Mario, Cloud Mario, Yoshi and his various power-ups, plus an expanded co-op mode... we think nothing could be further from the truth.
And if that wasn't enough, Edge magazine just gave the title only its twelfth perfect 10/10 score ever.
Excited much? One month to go, folks!