News: Mario Galaxy Multiplayer Confirmed

Posted 16 Mar 2007 at 07:50 by guest
Two-player in Super Mario Galaxy? We have it confirmed.
Mario fans have been dreaming about the chance of some co-operative action in the series since before the 3D days, and it looks like they might be getting it this year. The highly-anticipated Super Mario Galaxy was listed as having two-player capacities on Nintendo's official website, leading many news outlets to speculate. Typo? Mistake? Confirmation of a fanboy wish?
This morning, we contacted Nintendo UK to shed more light on the situation and were delighted to learn that it is no mere tease, but official information. The game will have a two-player mode. The logistics of a two-player Super Mario Galaxy aren't clear at the moment - will it provide co-operative play, or be relegated to simple mini-games? - but it has certainly piqued our interest in the title, and may account for the frustrating delay with Mario's latest adventure.
Fantastic news... but the wait just got a lot more difficult.
Update: There was nothing about Nintendo about the two player being specifically co-operative, although we gave the impression in the original story. It could just be some mini-games or something similar, but Miyamoto has talked about the desire to do a Luigi co-operative mode in past interviews, so it is a possibility. We've edited the article to account for both, just to clear up any confusion.