News: Mario Kart 7 Network Features Detailed

Posted 21 Oct 2011 at 12:45 by Aaron Clegg
How many players online? What about StreetPass features? The answers and more inside!
In a recorded edition of Iwata Asks with Mario Kart 7 producer Hideki Konno, the game's array of networking features were discussed.
First up, and like its Wii predecessor, Mario Kart 7 will be getting its own Mario Kart Channel to integrate with the game. Through this application, ghost Miis and other data will be shared with other people if you 'StreetPass' them. The channel will also allow you to challenge encountered players in online races.
Through SpotPass, you'll also receive ghost data daily to forever hone your karting skills. Some new footage showed a player racing against several ghosts simultaneously across one track.
More generally, online races will be for a maximum of eight players. Impressively, Nintendo has promised that all online races will be locked at a superlative 60 frames per second.
Konno-san also revealed, rather vaguely, a brand new feature. Players can create their own "communities" to invite other players into. No doubt this is something that will be made more clear as localised press released come through, so stay tuned.