Mario Kart DS

News: Mario Kart Online Trailer & Comic

Just one day to go guys! Nintendo of Europe are ramping up the anticipation with an exclusive online trailer and comic...

Nintendo of Europe have updated their site with some last minute hype-building material for this Christmas' biggest DS game. You know the score by now - more courses than ever before, mission modes, customisable decals and more crazy weapons than you could squirt a blooper at. Plus that WiFi Connection.

To celebrate, NoE has an exclusive new trailer for you to watch - catch it here.

Additionally, the big N has prepared an amusing online comic for you to click through, entitled Ticket to Ride. It details one Nintendo fan's experience with the game on a bus (though after reading the comic, it's unfortunately worth noting that in real life, your Mario Kart skills are unlikely to help you pick up girls. More's the pity.) Check the comic out here!

In less than twenty-four hours, this happy European Nintendo fan and many others will be playing Mario Kart DS for the first time, and online. Race you there!

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