News: Mario Kart Text Chat Is Pre-Set

Posted 28 Feb 2008 at 10:49 by Nathan Whincup
Oh dear.
It seems like only yesterday when we were all jumping for joy at the inclusion of communication in Mario Kart Wii in the form of text chat via the use of an on-screen keyboard (wait, that was yesterday). However, Nintendo of America appear to have been spending the last 24 hours sharpening their bubble-popping needles, because they've just confirmed that the text chat is in fact pre-set.
This means that, as opposed to being able to write whatever the hell you like to the abusive pre-pubescent American 5 year old on the other side of the internet connection, players will be limited to selected phrases such as "hello", "grr" and "oh no", as seen in 42 All-Time Classics.
Is it just us, or is Nintendo's reluctance to enter the world of online communication getting to be a bit frustrating? Stay tuned to N-Europe for the latest on Mario Kart Wii.