News: Mario To Play Football In Europe

Posted 27 Jul 2005 at 21:36 by Tom Phillips
As Mushroom Kingdom's finest take to the football pitch in Europe, Nintendo reveal Super Mario Strikers is to be re-named "Mario Smash Football".
Nintendo Europe have updated their site with a new name for Super Mario Strikers. Outside the USA (where what we Europeans call football is called "soccer", and what they call football is something else entirely), the game is to be known as "Mario Smash Football".
The game will apparently see Mario's phenomenal ball-skills brought to the fore as "he demonstrates a startling range of unorthodox shimmies and swerves. Awesome overhead kicks and 30 yard screamers make Bowser and the boys more entertaining to watch than Real Madrid, while the multiplayer matches are a must too, with up to four players taking to the turf.
Just watch out for opponents booting spiny shells in your direction, and whatever you do, stay clear of those Chain Chomps... The wildest footballing spectacle since Liverpool won the European Cup, Mario is scoring for fun on GameCube. So the official site says anyway.
Thanks to our news comment poster "skarmachild" for the heads up on this one.