News: Marvel vs Capcom 3 on 3DS is a Possibility

Posted 25 Jan 2011 at 06:58 by Ashley Jones
The producer of Marvel vs Capcom 3 has suggested the game could end up on the 3DS.
In spite of not being released on the Wii or DS it seems Capcom could bring out its popular fighting crossover title Marvel vs Capcom 3 for the 3DS. Speaking to SPOnG producer Ryota Niitsuma talks about the history of the series and what fans can expect in the future.
When asked about Super Street Fighter IV 3D and the possibility of Marvel vs Capcom 3 being released on the 3DS he notes the differences between the two games and what effect this would have on 3D gameplay. "I think the nature of Marvel vs Capcom 3 is slightly different. As it is right now we can have up to six characters on screen and many more effects going on."
In a different interview with Videogamer he comments saying "I don't know whether having this in 3D vision is actually comfortable for the player or not," before adding "there are a few things to think about. It's obviously not impossible, but it requires a bit of thought."
He also recently suggested to the same website that Phoenix Wright may appear in future games depending on the success of the series.