Max and the Magic Marker

News: Max & The Magic Marker Dated For Europe

Press Play's physics-based WiiWare platformer gets a European date...

We always knew great WiiWare titles arrived in bunches. Not only do we know that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney will hit Europe this Friday, but developer Press Play has revealed their brain-child is also coming to the service this month.

Via the game's Facebook page comes confirmation that Max & The Magic Marker releases on WiiWare in Europe on January 22nd, with the rest of the world receiving the game "shortly after".

Max & the Magic Marker is highly-creative 2D puzzle-platformer, looking to utilise the best aspects of the likes of Drawn to Life, which made use of the Wii Remote pointer in a similar fashion.

No pricing details was revealed for the game, but the 1000 Points range seems like a reasonable bet.

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