News: Medal of Honor Release Date!

This is the release date we have all been waiting for!

Medal of Honor: Frontline takes players to the battlefields of WWII as a faceless soldier sent in to do everything from sneaking up on enemy Nazi camps to blowing through enemy blockades. The PS2 version of the game has recently garnered much hype for its stylish and gritty war-scarred environments and interactive level designs.

It was already know that Medal of Honor would be released on the 18th of November in America. We got informed today, by a source who wishes to stay anonymous, that the European release will be on the exact same day!

Write it down in your agenda: N..o..v..e..m..b..e..r 18, 2002

It looks like we are going to see this game appear on the GameCube pretty fast! You better start saving up your money...

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