News: Metal Gear Solid: The New Vids

Posted 05 Mar 2004 at 23:31 by guest
No, I'm not trying to give you some sneaky tips for the MGS Figuring competition; New movies inside!
The Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes site opened a few days ago, and already they're treating us excellently.
Their site has been updated to include two new 'ads' -- "Snow Mountain" and "Container", both available in 30 and 13 sec trailers.
30 sec "Container" advert (1.58mb).
15 sec "Container" advert (833kb). 30 sec "Snow Mountain" advert (1.56mb). 15 sec "Snow mountain" advert (736kb).
15 sec "Oil Tank" advert .
30 sec "Oil Tank" advert .
15 sec "Bunker" advert (1.58mb).
30 sec "Bunker" advert (898kb).
15 sec "Truck" advert (1.56mb).
15 sec "Truck" advert (896kb).
Those lovely folk over at Konami are even letting you download the vids over at the MGS:TTS site
Surely this is worth talking about? Feel free to comment :) And yes! That's kb not mb! Incredible!