News: Metro: Last Light Delayed to 2013
Posted 03 Feb 2012 at 19:38 by Aaron Clegg
THQ's horror-tinted FPS sequel gets pushed back til next year...
The sequel to the little-played dark FPS Metro 2033 was quietly announced to be heading to Wii U as well as other HD consoles back at E3, but it looks like we'll have to wait a little longer to get our fix of European, post-apocalyptic dreariness.
In their Q3 earnings report, publisher THQ confirmed that the tentative date for Metro: Last Light had been pushed back to the first quarter of 2013. THQ's other confirmed Wii U game, Darksiders II, received a vague summer release window. It is expected to release on Wii U at the console's launch.

Metro: Last Light is the sequel to Metro 2033, which was based on a novel of the same name. The game told the story of an alternate, post-apocalyptic Russia that is being ravaged by mysterious creatures.