News: Metroid Prime 3 Details!

Posted 04 Aug 2005 at 00:25 by Tom Phillips
We've the first bits of information on Metroid Prime Revolution - set to be the conclusion to the Metroid Prime trilogy!
Clandestine website to the Metroid series Luminoth Temple has conducted an interview with a member of Retro Studios who has the first details of the upcoming threequel to the sublime First-Person Adventurey Shooter Metroid Prime.
The title will be the final game in the Metroid Prime trilogy, which means the plot will thicken as the "pulse-pounding conclusion of Samus' prime adventures come to an exhilerating close ... The plot of Prime 3 is about closure, told against the backdrop of an epic struggle."
As in Metroid Prime and it's sequel Echoes, Prime 3 will use the first-person view. This new title will however also use "the innovative Nintendo Revolution controls." What exactly this means, we're not sure, but the Retro Studios spokesman went on to say that they planned on taking advantage of "new features in the Revolution, including the controller." Mysterious.
The visuals in the game will apparently surpass anything in the series before it. It's worthwhile to point out the short clip of Samus supposedly from a Revolution Metroid game shown at E3 was running on Cube hardware, and was not part of this game.
Music and audio have yet to begin production, though famed composer Kenji Yamamoto who worked on the previous two titles in the series will be returning.
The game will be available in 2006, with the word on the street saying it will be a Revolution launch title... and online compatible.
We'll have more on this upcoming blockbuster title when we get it!