News: Metroid Prime Trilogy Dated In Europe

Retro's masterpiece collection is heading for Europe this Autumn...

In the current climate of Nintendo's odd decisions to refuse to release certain titles worldwide, it's nice to get a confirmation once in a while that a quality game is actually coming out in Europe. Best make that three quality games though, as Metroid Prime: Trilogy has been penned down for a September 4th release.

Already played all three? But the packing is so sexy... go on... you know you want to.

Trilogy sees all three of Retro Studios' fabulous Metroid Prime games release one one single Wii disc, with the added bonus of some post-production touching-up of the two Gamecube titles. Prime and Echoes now feature true widescreen, progressive scan and bloom lighting, as well as the sublime IR controls we all loved in Corruption.

Will you be picking up Trilogy this Fall? Be sure to sound off below...

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