News: MH3 May Have Voice Chat, No Fees

Posted 04 Oct 2009 at 09:51 by Aaron Clegg
Capcom confirm they are looking into Wii Speak support for the western Monster Hunter 3 release; and comments on the possibility of no fees...
With Monster Hunter 3 proving to be a smash success in Japan, it was only natural that publisher Capcom would want to bring the experience to western audiences too.
From two separate interviews, we can bring you a couple of exciting titbits concerning the game's western release. First of all, Capcom USA spokesman Chris Kramer mused over the possibility of removing the title's online fees for western audiences.
"[removing fees is] something that we're looking into at the moment and there are a few factors to consider. Firstly, Monster Hunter isn't as popular in the West, so it might put people off. Secondly, Japan doesn't have Friend Codes, so Capcom run all the servers and the monthly fee is essentially to pay for those costs."
In other news, Capcom producer Ryozo Tsjmoto spoke of hopes to add in Wii Speak support for the adventure epic.
"We're looking into a bunch a different things and one of the things is definitely like, a lot of users have asked for voice chat. We're looking into right now whether it's technically possible or not. And so if it is, maybe we'll make an announcement. If it isn't, you know, if it realistically can't be done, then I'm sorry we may have to leave it out. But we're looking into it."
Monster Hunter 3 is penned for a US release in March 2010, with a European release hopefully not too long after.