News: Mii Contest Channel Hits Europe

Posted 12 Nov 2007 at 08:32 by Nathan Whincup
Miyamoto's latest brainchild finally hits the Wii Shopping Channel worldwide.
The Mii Contest Channel has been heavily trumpeted about by Nintendo since it was first announced by the daddy of gaming, Shigeru Miyamoto, earlier this year. Since then, it had its name changed from Mii Popularity Channel, to Check Mii Out at E3, to the Mii Contest Channel, which appears to have stuck. After the disappointment of the infamously false 'September surprise' that Reggie mentioned in the summer, information on the new Channel has been scarcer than untouched food in Michelle McManus' lunchbox. Today, the Mii Contest Channel finally launched worldwide.
The Channel allows Wii owners to submit, exchange and browse Mii creations as well as enter their Miis into fortnightly contests which sees you taking part in epic battles in which you try to make the best Miis in relation to the name of the contest (for instance, the first contest sees you trying to make the best Mario � without his trademark hat). These contests may involve the creation of politicians (everyone must have a Hitler somewhere on their Mii Channel), fictional characters (Mario's one of the most popular in my Mii Parade) and celebrities.
The Mii Contest Channel is now available for download from the Wii Shopping Channel for the princely sum of 0 Wii Points. Remember to update your Wii if you didn't get the October 10th firmware update.