News: Mission In Snowdriftland Goes Indie

Posted 01 Dec 2010 at 16:34 by Aaron Clegg
tons of bits' festive advent calender will be offering you a host of neat downloads from some of WiiWare's finest developers...
The harder core among you will probably remember Mission in Snowdriftland from back in 2006. The Flash-based advent calender was a joint venture between a small developer and Nintendo, offering a wintery platformer with a different level every day up until Christmas. Each level promoted a different Nintendo title, and players were rewarded with various Nintendo-themed wallpapers, ringtones and desktop items.
While we announced fairly recently that developer tons of bits are bringing Mission in Snowdfirtland back this Christmas, it's just been revealed that this time around, Nintendo are not the ones who'll be offering exclusive downloads for players who complete levels.
Rather, tons of bits - who developed the colourfully fun chick chick BOOM - have teamed up with a whole host of fellow WiiWare developers to offer players some distinctly indie-themed downloads.
The full list of developers on-board are as follows:
- tons of bits (chick chick BOOM)
Akaoni Studio (Zombie Panic in Wonderland)
Broken Rules (And Yet It Moves)
Gajin Games (Bit.Trip)
Press Play (Max and the Magic Marker)
Ronimo Games (Swords & Soldiers)
Spaces Of Play (Spirits)
Over the Top Games (NyxQuest)
So don't forget to get involved in Mission in Snowdriftland starting from December 1st, where you'll be able to get your hands on plenty of neat downloads from some of WiiWare's best developers. The game's official website is here.
It's December 1st and the advent calender begins. Go check out the first level on the Mission in Snowdriftland website now.