News: Miyamoto Mentions Pikmin 3

Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto is questioned on the existence of Pikmin 3. Read his elusive response inside...

The Pikmin franchise, one of the few original series to come out of Nintendo this decade, hasn't been too badly neglected so far this generation, with the series' hero Captain Olimar a playable character in Smash Bros. Brawl. Fans of the tiny-creatures strategy title however have been waiting to hear something, anything on a full brand new Pikmin game.

Shigeru Miyamoto has recently been asked for details, though rather un-encouragingly, his response was just that Nintendo were considering "what to do next with the franchise."

This doesn't seem to suggest that a brand new title is yet in the making, though we're hoping that Nintendo are going to surprise us come E3 this July with the announcement of a third title in the series. Here's hoping, eh?

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