News: Miyamoto Talks MotionPlus In Zelda

Miyamoto-san divulges sweet, sweet hints on how Wii's next Zelda title will implement MotionPlus...

As you may have guessed by the regularity of him appearing the news lately, when Shigeru Miyamoto speaks, we listen.

The veteran game designer has dropped some hints about his vision for the next main Legend of Zelda game on Wii, and by doing so has practically confirmed MotionPlus support is a go-ahead.

"About MotionPlus. We're implementing it so that players can feel like they themselves are holding the sword. In the previous Zelda (Twilight Princess) the targeting was based on the IR pointer. This time however, we'll be using MotionPlus for a variety of more convenient targeting systems that will allow for more pleasant gameplay."

Back at E3, Miyamoto implied he would like to see MotionPlus as compulsary in Zelda Wii, and would make it so if the peripheral was successful in the marketplace.

In similar news, Miyamoto-san also commented on this Christmas' big DS game - The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. He has some comforting words for anyone worried that Spirit Tracks will be in soe way dumbed down or too easy.

"[Spirit Tracks] will be really fun. It's turning out to be rather challenging. Many of our Japanese customers were introduced to the Zelda series with Phantom Hourglass, and ST could prove to be kind of hard for them, but I thought we'd show them what Zelda is really made of this time around. So it's turning into quite a unique title. I've managed to gather quite a few creative team members for Zelda Spirit Tracks, so I'd like Zelda Wii to also enjoy creative development as much as possible."

Spirit Tracks releases in Europe on December 11th.

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