News: Miyamoto talks Perfect Dark Zero recently reported an interesting snippit concerning Perfect Dark Zero. They found an interesting quote of Shigeru Miyamoto saying stuff about Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo:

"Obviously nothing has happened with these games in terms of any kind of event or anything. They are going along as they would normally go along in game development. When they get to a point where we can see when we'll be launching them, then we'll start talking about them at that point. But they are proceeding. And, you know, they are probably at a point where we could have shown you some quality footage today, but we're just concentrating on proceeding and we will talk more about each as they come closer to launch."

So no denial that Perfect Dark Zero doesn't exist, that's almost as good as an official announcement that the game is in production. Also Miyamoto states that it would be possible to show, "some quality footage today", this suggests that PD0 may not be as far behind in production as recently reported.

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