News: Miyamoto Talks Revolution And Mario 128

Gaming legend Shigeru Miyamoto says to tech magazine Wired that the Revolution will be next generation's "big gun".

The Nintendo Revolution will stand apart from the Xbox 360 and the PS3 next generation, and will be the "big gun", says Miyamoto. Why? Well its all down to that controller.

Miyamoto again stated that though Nintendo had innovated controlling games again and again with analog stick, rumble and wireless pads, their ideas were always stolen.

The new controller is being kept under wraps as it is so vital to the Revolution. "The user interface is going to drive the Revolution software design, that's what's going to make our software stand out," he said.

Elsewhere in the interview, the Revolution games download feature was mentioned, with Miyamoto saying the hardware would allow any past game to be played on it "technologically speaking... though it's a matter of picking which ones we want to have availiable." So not the whole collection then, but maybe ones hand-picked by Shigsy himself?

And Mario 128? "We think we want it on Revolution. We're searching for that fundamental idea that's going to drive the next 3D Mario game," he said, which backs up previous comments by him that the project has yet to find a definite focus, for example the FLUDD-enhanced gameplay of Sunshine.

Finally, he spoke of Nintendogs, which he said had brought back gamers who were now disinterested in gaming, and even introduced people into video games for the first time. This innovation, he stressed, is his goal - creating games which are new and fun to play.

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