News: Modern Warfare 3 Confirmed for Wii

Posted 04 Aug 2011 at 09:28 by Ashley Jones
Activision has laid rest the rumours and speculation and confirmed that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be heading to the Wii.
The Call of Duty series is a tremendously popular one and continuously performs well in both Europe in America. The Modern Warfare games are particularly lauded for their enjoyability and while the first one made its way to the Wii a few years ago Modern Warfare 2 unfortunately did not.
However there is some good news for fans of the series as Activision has confirmed that the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be released for the console alongside the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions. Publishing executive Eric Hirshberg confirmed the news, that had previously been rumoured, today stating that they are releasing it on the Wii "so as not to leave any of the community out of the excitement".
Treyarch has been responsible for the Wii versions of Black Ops and Modern Warfare but Mr. Hirshberg did not state who will be responsible for Modern Warfare 3. Whether or not it will be released on the DS, as has also been rumoured, is still unknown.