News: Monolith Soft Discuss Wii U Title

Posted 12 Jul 2011 at 09:07 by Ashley Jones
Several key members of Monolith Soft discuss working on a Wii U title but don't mention what it is.
As European gamers wait for Xenoblade Chronicles newly changed 19th August release, and American gamers are left wondering if it will ever be released in America, Monolith Soft is hard at work on their first Wii U title.
The company recently posted a three page interview with Toshiaki Yajima, Katsunori Sakai and Michihiko Inaba and Andriasang has provided a translation. According to the numerous programmers while they have not worked on a HD game as a company they have been researching the development of other titles, including those on HD consoles.
They believe that this research will be very useful in making their first Wii U title and that they will not have to face that technical hurdle that other developers may. Mr. Yajima also notes that now that they can use physics and shaders the expressive capabilities have gone up, meaning the title can be a tour de force.
Mr. Inaba seemed keen to try utilising the console's two-screen ability as soon as possible and wants to showcase Japanese technology to Americans, similar to how Bethesda Softworks have with Fallout.
During the interview they do not discuss what the game is, although a design document does exist, and it seems that they were primarily looking to attract applicants to the roles they have available. More interviews about the mysterious title are expected in the future and maybe one day we'll find out exactly what they're working on.