News: Monster Hunter 3 Confirmed For West

Posted 03 Aug 2009 at 13:57 by Stephen Thomson
Capcom have now stated that Monster Hunter Tri will get a release outside of Japan...
The hit title that recently got a release in Japan along with a rather stylish looking Black Wii and the Classic Controller Pro, has now officially been confirmed by Capcom to get a release in both North America and Europe.
The latest game in the acclaimed franchise that allows users to meet up and interact with each other online and allowing them to go on quests will be available to us in early 2010. Capcom didn't say much else in the announcement, other than more information would be released in the upcoming months.
The outstanding graphics produced from Monster Hunter Tri even got a mention from Satoru Iwata, stating that the graphical representation of the game put pressure on the Zelda Wii team after seeing Capcom's work.
Stay with N-Europe for upcoming details on the online adventure!