News: Monster Hunter 3G Site Opens, New Screens

Posted 08 Sep 2011 at 12:52 by Aaron Clegg
Capcom opens the official site for Monster Hunter 3 G. We've also got the first screens...
The official Japanese website for the 3DS epic Monster Hunter 3 G is now open, with lots of lovely new details... in Japanese.
Luckily, Andriasang has translated much of it. As expected, a new monster will be introduced as the game's main 'cover' monster. Andriasang approximates the translation of 3G's beast as "Brakidios", whose deadly draw is that his forehead and front legs "explode" after a set time.

The official site doesn't mention the newly unveiled circle pad attachment - know that Monster Hunter 3 G will not require the extension to be played. Without it, the game sounds perfectly functional; you can play purely with the main circle pad and buttons, or you can assign some controls, such as camera control, to the touch screen.
The camera system has been built upon to aid players. On the touch screen, players will find a 'Target Camera' button. When toggled on, pressing the L shoulder button will turn the camera towards the largest creature you're fighting (it is not a straight 'lock-on' feature, which would have surely earned the ire of the hardest-core Monster Hunter players). With it toggled off, pressing L will merely centre the camera behind the player as usual (you can also centre the camera behind you with Target Camera on by tapping L twice).
Enjoy the first direct screens of 3G running on the 3DS below.