News: Moon Landing In Europe This Summer

Posted 11 Feb 2009 at 17:33 by Nathan Whincup
Renegade Kid's atmospheric DS FPS will be seeing a European release this summer. But when will we see Dementium...?
Renegade Kid's second title for the DS, Moon, was released in the US on January 13th this year. Sporting an improved engine from spiritual predecessor Dementium: The Ward and running in full 3D and at a super-slick 60 frames-per-second, Moon has been hailed as one of the best first-person shooters available on the DS.
We got in touch with Moon's US publisher, Mastiff, to find out when we'd be able to get our eager hands on Renegade Kid's sci-fi shooter in Europe. Here's what Mastiff CEO Bill Swartz had to say regarding Moon's release date:
"I can confirm that Moon will be coming for Summer in Europe, but beyond that can not share any details."
The game's European publisher thus remains a mystery at this point.
We also decided to investigate the current state of Dementium: The Ward, which, oddly enough, has been out in Japan since June 2008. South Peak Games informed us that Dementium's release status in Europe is still "TBA". To hazard a guess, we'd say the game will be finally be released in either March or April, along with the rest of Gamecock's publishing backlog.
Be sure to check out our Halloween interview with Renegade Kid to find out more about Moon.