News: More 2D Metroids In The Future

Posted 11 May 2010 at 10:29 by Stephen Thomson
In a recent interview with Nintendo Power, Metroid creator Yoshio Sakamoto gives his thoughts on the future of the franchise.
After it's surprising debut at last years E3, we finally get to return to the 2D roots of the Metroid series. In an interview with Nintendo Power, Yoshio Sakamoto shared with us some of his thoughts about the future, stating that it's certainly possible that he will return once again to work on another 2D Metroid game and how fans shouldn't get the idea that this is the end 2D incarnations.
Sakamoto went on to say how he doesn't think that Metroid: Other M signals the end of the 2D Metroid entries, saying that the ideas generated from the development of Other M could be used in future entries. When talking about Samus Aran herself, he went on to say "I've come to think of her (Samus) almost as a daughter. I helped her grow up and I want to take her to as many high places as possible."
Metroid: Other M still has a vague Q3 release date for Europe, with an August 31st release for America. If the wait is to much for you, then read N-Europes very own hands on impressions right here!