News: More Bioware DS Titles Incoming?

Bioware talk DS and hint that their big guns may make an appearence on the system...

In an interview with Eurogamer, lead designer of Sonic Chronicles Miles Holmes has unveiled that Bioware are looking to expand their brands on platforms which will "reinforce their franchises". Holmes went on to say that he wishes to see Mass Effect on the DS:

"I tell you which one I would want. I want the Mass Effect one. We have a lot of big plans for Mass Effect. Having a DS version would be an awesome way to keep interest alive and keep it going in addition to [Mass Effect 2]."

Holmes then went on to say that the overall goal of the handheld team is to strengthen major title releases, and (at full capacity) work on up-to three projects at once.

As Bioware were bought out by EA last October here at N-Europe we are delighted to see that they are approaching each platform as a means to maximise their franchises. Certainly Mr Holmes' comments back up fellow Sonic Chronicles team member Mark Darrah, who recently stated that BioWare are looking into both PSP and Wii development as a way to broaden their portfolio.

Would Bioware be a developer to keep an eye on should they descend onto Nintendo platforms? Let us know what you think in the comments section.

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